Quiénes Somos
Revolutionizing Eviction Defense in California
Founded in 2005, BASTA is now the largest, most comprehensive tenant rights organization in Southern California. We have more than 15 attorneys and 10 staff across four full-service offices, serving virtually every need of the tenant community (legal or otherwise).
BASTA pioneered the strategy of bringing all eviction defense cases to jury trial, which is a right under California’s constitution. Rather than having cases decided by a single judge, cases are decided by members of the community — including many tenants. The strategy works. BASTA has won more jury trials in eviction cases than all of the other organizations in Southern California combined. At BASTA, we pride ourselves in treating every client’s case with the same zealous advocacy that a “big” firm would provide to a paying corporate client. Our unique approach and our universal demand for jury trials has revolutionized the entire eviction legal process.
Today, every nonprofit organization in California that represents tenants in eviction defense cases requests a jury trial. After a tumultuous period of generally negating jury trials and several BASTA appeals, trial courts handling eviction cases in Los Angeles County and beyond now recognize tenants’ constitutional right to a jury trial — as well as the right of indigent clients to a waiver from depositing jury fees.
A Helping Hand
At BASTA, we understand how difficult it can be to deal with threats to your home, poor housing conditions and aggressive or unfair landlords. We will fight for you. When you come to our offices, you will be treated with respect and compassion in an environment that welcomes all. Because we accept no federal money, we are able to fight for everyone regardless of legal status.
Rental properties are not just investments for property owners — they are our homes. When you come to us for help, you’ll receive a warm welcome and the support you need to fight successfully. You don’t have to go it alone.